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Cathi Shaw, PhD
(She, Her, Hers)Lecturer
English, English and Cultural Studies
Other Titles: EnglishOffice: CCS 339
Email: cathi.shaw@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Composition and Rhetoric, Foundational Writing, Multilingual Learners, Curriculum Theory & Implementation, Graduate Student Writing
Courses & Teaching
ENGL 112: Studies in Composition, ENGL 150: Introduction to Literary Genre, ENGL 203: Topics in Composition
Cathi Shaw is a Lecturer in English and Cultural Studies at the University of British Columbia in Kelowna, BC. Dr. Shaw’s research focuses on foundational writing and composition instruction, as well as multilingual learners. She is the co-author of the composition textbook Writing Today (Second Canadian Edition) by Pearson Canada and a published creative writer of young adult novels and a mountaineering biography.
BA Simon Fraser University (English Literature), MA Simon Fraser University (Education: Diversity & Inclusion), PhD Simon Fraser University (Education: Curriculum Theory and Implementation)
Selected Publications & Presentations
2019 Johnson-Sheehan, R., Paine, C., Shaw, C., & Stouck, J. Writing Today, 2nd Canadian Edition. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada. ISBN-10: 0134025326• ISBN-13: 9780134025322
2016 Shaw, C. Journey the Rift, Book 1 of Coimirceori: Guardians of the Marked Ones. California: Ink Smith Publishing.
2016 Bjarnason, E. and Shaw, C. Surviving Logan. Victoria: Rocky Mountain Books.
2014 Shaw, C. Finding Refuge: Book Two of The Marked Ones. California: Ink Smith Publishing.
2014 Shaw, C. Five Corners: Book One of The Marked Ones. California: Ink Smith Publishing.
2014 Mamchur, C. and Shaw, C. An ethnographic examination of a course in academic literacy for at-risk students. Journal of Educational Policies and Current Practices, 1(1), 41-56.
2013 Johnson-Sheehan, R., Paine, C., Shaw, C. & Stouck, J. Writing Today, Canadian Edition. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada. ISBN-10: 0205951228 • ISBN-13: 9780205951222
Awards & Distinctions
2019 – Thank a Prof Award
2016 – Recipient of the Golden Apple Award for Teaching, University of British Columbia (Okanagan)
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
2020-Present: Media Coordinator for the Department of English and Cultural Studies